Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Make Like a Banana Smoooothie and SPLINT!!

Okay, I know I'm a dork. Can't help it, I was born that way. Well....big is two weeks post-op and I have survived! Things are still looking pretty good. Swelling is still going down. Just very slowly. No more nausea. Yay! And my mood is picking up. I am having issues sleeping and am actually in pain during the night, which is strange because I'm pretty comfortable during the day. I will ask my OS about this tomorrow when I get my SPLINT out!!!! I'm very excited. They called today and said I will be getting a local to numb everything (as if everything isn't already numb) and I can take a pain pill for my own piece of mind. My mom's taking me so I don't have to worry about driving.

I'm still drooling, and actually having a harder time talking, but I'm thinking all of this will improve tomorrow after I get that splint out. I have pretty much stuck to blended meals. I have tried some mashed potato texture type stuff but it only got me and my splint messy so I figured I could hold off until tomorrow. Can you tell I can't wait until then???? I'm getting very tired of this splint.

I've lost about 7 lbs and holding. I've done pretty well to keep my calories up. I could actually benefit to lose about 10 more lbs. but I'll def wait until I'm healed. Now is not the time to diet!

So, funny story...Yesterday was a beautiful day and my daughter, dog and I decided to take a walk around the block. We got almost all the way home when these two dogs w/ the electric fence collars were "harassing" us. It was no big deal, but the owner stopped to talk to us for a few minutes. I tried to hurry up as I really don't feel comfortable carrying on a convo w/ complete strangers at this stage. So we scooted on home and as we got inside and I passed the mirror I had a flashback of Dumb and Dumber. You know....where they were on the motorcycle????? It went something like this...

Remember that???? When he had snot hanging all the way down to his lips????? Well....there I was--in that same position. I am completely numb and had no idea I was sporting this look. I had to call my husband right away. He just laughed and laughed and said, "Well, at least no one SAW you." Um, yeah, I actually carried on a complete conversation like this, I guess.  Maybe that's why the dogs were barking at me? They were making fun!! lol. Nothing I can do about it now.  I'm sure I've embarrassed myself beyond this measure a time or two.

Well, that's about all the news for now. I'll post a new pic later after my splint comes out and I get my hair trimmed on Friday. I am still debating getting bangs. I'll ask my hairdresser what she thinks.

Have a great evening.  Prayers go out to June (fellow blogger friend) who is having her hardware removed tomorrow due to infection. We hope you have an easy recovery and you stay healed! XOXOX



Anonymous said...

YEAH for your splint removal! I am sure that will be the best feeling ever! Email me asap and let me know how you did.

Laughing so hard over your walking story! I am sure EVERYONE going through this type of surgery has had many SERIOUSLY embarrassing moments due to this. HAHAHA

Girl-get the bangs! Maybe just some swoopy bangs if you don't want a total commitment! I am thinking of going darker myself. Why the heck not pumas can pull of almost anything!!

Mandy :)

Brent said...

Hi Elishia!
I love that show dumb and dumber - that kind of comedy is so funny to me! I like the new look of your blog too. Glad to hear you are feeling better (except the sleeping part - that sucks) hopefully you will get some good answers tomorrow! Keep us posted on tomorrows appointment!