I still have acne/rash but it's getting much better. I saw my Ortho last Wed and he sent me to Rubber Band Land....like majorly! :) Last time I only had one rubber band on the side and was able to eat, brush, etc. with it in. I didn't have to replace it until it broke. Now, I have rubber bands on both sides, up close on front that go all the way back to the molar brackets. I can't get a spoon or fork in so I have to remove them each time I want to eat, brush, etc. and they have to be replaced twice a day. I guess I was spoiled before. I have to wear these all day/night. My back molars don't touch so I guess that's what's supposed to be achieved from this. No pain no gain right? And...I need those back molars to touch or I won't be able to chew food anyway --which I've tried to sneak some stuff...and it didn't really do anything but frustrate me. Other than that my Ortho was really impressed with my bite and said things were lookin' good. I see my OS next Thursday. I'm anxious to see if he still thinks I will need the septoplasty on my nose.
Of course I also still have problems "chewing" and sometimes talking which frustrates me. My face still feels stiff and sensitive to hot/cold but I believe this is def getting a little better all the time. I'm just very impatient!!!
Well, that's all for now. I will have to post some pics of my wonderful band config once I get unlazy!
Also, please check out the article that my dad is a top ten finalist in. Grand prize winner is determined by the most online votes from now until Nov. 22nd. You can vote once each day. We plan on helping the community out w/ the prize if he wins! He is an awesome man who has helped his community out tremendously. Please support him! :) www.JIC.org/gemcontest His article is titled "Unselfishly Giving Moore". Thank you! :)
Wow! Elishia, reading the article on your father brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart! You are such a lucky girl to have him for a dad. I don't even know him yet just by reading your words about his kindness, gentle soul, and selfless nature, I felt so touched beyond words. After I finished reading the article, I thought to myself, "it would have been nice to know him." He must be so proud to have you as his daughter!
And, I am sorry to hear about Kara. She will be in my prayers and thoughts.
Elishia - did you also have a septoplasty during the jaw surgery? I am going to need one and was thinking this is usually something done during the jaw surgery, but I don't know...the first OS I consulted with actually wanted me to have the septoplasty prior to jaw surgery. The second OS says have it during jaw surgery. Why did your surgeons decide to wait until afterward, if you didn't already have the procedure?
Also, I think your nose looks very good! I think it really balances your facial features. Your eyes really "pop" in the pic you posted today. And the profile is so beautiful! I actually saved your pic to show my OS because I really like how feminine your chin looks. It suits your petite features.
Hi Elishia! I voted for your dad! He sounds like wonderful man!
Sorry you are still having issues after your surgery. Does your ortho feel confident he can make your molars touch? I worry about this because its such a big surgery and isn't the goal to be able to chew? Do you feel like your functional issues are mostly resolved? Or somewhat? Not at all?
Also, I think you look great! Your nose is looking better! I don't know much about what a septoplasty is so I can't really comment there.
Do you feel like it was worth it??
GIRL, what are you talking about? You look great! You talkin crazy talk!
Hope the surgeon gives you good news. At least you know that a little nose improvement surgery can't be 1/10th as bad as jaw surgery! I feel like my nose looks way different now too. It looks smaller in my profile and a bit wider face on. Oh what's a girl to do?!?!
Hope your dad wins the contest! I have been voting for him!
ps...you didn't give me much background to investigate in your latest pictures! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
hiya, wow what your dad wrote was amazing, it leaves you speechless..
your profile looks really amazing, and your nose looks good too..
when you did your surgery was it both jaws?
i wish you the best and hope your dad wins..=)
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