Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Septo Surgery Update

Hello all! I survived my septo surgery. Let me tell you...it was a piece of cake compared to the jaw surgery. I was very apprehensive from everything I went through originally. But, this time anesthesia was much less and surgery only lasted approx. an hour so I have literally no effects from that. I'm on pain meds and antibiotics and my nose is still seeping blood some (and sometimes painful if I don't stay on top of pain meds and ice) but other than that I'm pretty good! I'm eating normal, doing laundry, etc. so I feel very fortunate. ENT Dr. said my septum wasn't as deviated as originally thought but that my turbinate was "kicked" over and blocking that whole left nostril. She also tried to work on that left nostril a little, I think...I don't really remember much but I'm sure I'll get the whole scoop on my recheck on Monday. I don't have a splint or anything so that's good...I'm pretty swollen but I have to say I'm pretty optimistic that my nose looks more like my original nose than before. I'm praying!!!! I'll post some pics once swelling goes down some and I get this blood gone. Doesn't make for a pretty picture!

Another funny story...Remember my Dumb and Dumber moment when I was on my walk w/ a snotty nose? Well, yesterday may have it beat! My dog ran out the front door to chase after a guy and his dog he was walking.  Well...I had taken a little too much pain medication and forgot the "condition" I was in. I went outside to get my dog with this lovely piece of blood stained cotton taped all the way across my face. In addition to that, my daughter had placed a lovely princess crown on my head so not only was I sporting the blood stained bandage I was sporting it in style! lol! Good thing I really don't care! :) I'm sure that guy got a good laugh...or was a little disturbed...probably both! :)

Thanks friends for all of your well wishes! It really cheered me up! XOXOXOX E


Anonymous said...

Fantastic news, Elisha! I can't wait to see the pics. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will be very happy! You look so beautiful already but you should feel that way as well so here's to hoping you get that nostril under control! Lol.

I am laughing so hard at the image of you running outside with the bloody bandage across your face and a princess tiara! Nothing is more fun than making the neighbors talk!! :-)

Happy healing! Post some pics soon!

E Hest said...

Thanks Miss Tina! Yeah, the image was hilarious I'm sure. I seriously almost took a pic just to post it so everyone could get a good laugh... but by then my pain med wore off and I wasn't so "brave"! lol! ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad it went well, you certainly deserve a break!

Love the dog/tiara story! Girl you ARE a princess, wear your crown proud!

z3 said...

i really hope u feel better im getting orthognathic surgery on june 19 wich me luck

Braced Blogger said...


I'm so glad to hear the septo went well and look forward to your pics once you get them up on here! Also good news that there was no deviated septum afterall and it sounds as if the whole operation was a piece of cake. I'm so happy for you!!

Thanks for keeping us updated!
